Default blog — Brisbane venomous snake handling course

New Website, new start

Posted by Sean McCarthy on

Well we have tried to make things easier for everyone and have launched our new website, we have had to raise some prices to due ongoing price rises from our suppliers, but we have also been able to make a few other changes including FREE POSTAGE. We hope that you find the gear you need! If not, ask us and we will see what we can do!!

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Brisbane Snake Handling Course August 19th

Posted by Sean McCarthy on

Due to popular demand we will be having another venomous snake handling course on the 19th August 2019, this single day is the conclusion of the online training for the theory.  You MUST complete the online training separately ($250) and then attend this course to achieve competency.You will cover the practical activity of identification of reptiles using [...]

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Brisbane Practical Handling Course

Posted by Sean McCarthy on

Brisbane Practical Handling Course
On March 5th we will be running the practical component of our venomous snake handing course in Brisbane.  We have located a wonderful looking Scout Hall just 10km from the CBD and we look forward to meeting all the people wanting to learn how to catch and relocate snakes safely.Our courses are the only courses [...]

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