2025, new year and new products!!
Posted by Sean McCarthy on
This year we are looking to add to our range of products, but like always we test first and then make available....but here is what we have planned:
Plastic Reptile Enclosures, here you'll see two examples of new enclosures, the issue we have always had is that melamine (the most common material for enclosures) absorbs odor, absorbs moisture and really has a limited life, with no joins and an easy to clean, non porous surface, plastic enclosures make all the difference. At this stage we have two models, 90 cm high x 60cm deep x 60 cm wide, this is ideal for pythons up to 2m, and 45cm wide x 45cm high x 40cm deep, ideal for snakes under 1m (according to Victorian guides to keeping reptiles). After a few weeks we will be bringing more in of different sizes for our other snakes if these are meeting our needs!!
Snake Bite First Aid Kits, over the past 7-8 ears we have been stocking and selling one brand of snake bite first aid kit because they use the berst snake bite bandage on the market, SMART snake bite bandage.....well in 2025 we will introduce our own range of snake bite first aid kits with the smart bandage....you may ask why.... simply because we can do it cheaper for the same product! So keep an eye out for those as they hit our shelves!